Tuesday 14 September 2010

Day 52 in Japan - Pretending to be an adult again

After the last few days of being terrible examples of adult human beings, Sam and I actually did some of our chores properly tonight. We washed and cleaned and cooked, and ate a real meal for dinner for the first time in 4 days. We studied Japanese, and I even went for a jog while tomorrows dinner was cooking. I feel very virtuous and organised after all of that.

The aftermath of one of my English lessons - English Shiritori!
Something I am very happy with is that I have a mobile music playing device again! I took my iPhone jogging this evening, and being able to listen to my music makes such a difference! Both in terms of my motivation to keep running, and in terms of making me feel like me.

A little more Doctor Who tonight because Akashi Kita day tomorrow means that I will get a minor sleep-in (until 7:30!) - we are in the specials at the end of Season 4 and I keep thinking that every episode wil be David Tennant's last. Not quite there yet, though.

The sunflowers showing exactly what stage of summer
we are in - still there, but starting to droop and die
 a little. Note the grey sky in the background as well. 
Food Highlight of the Day: Pumpkin-flavored Pocky. I think that's all that needs saying. But as I'm me, of course I'll say more :P They were pretzel stick (as all Pocky are) covered in pumpkin pie-flavored yoghurt stuff. They actually were delicious. I will totally eat these monstrosities again! I suspect they are a Halloween thing, so I think I only have a few weeks to stock up.

Pumpkin-flavoured Pocky wa oishii desu.

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