I don't know why we did this. I blame Eoin. He found a Groupon deal and decided that a 5 km outdoor run in a place where it's over 30 degrees every day was exactly what I'd like to do on a Saturday morning. He wasn't really correct in that surmise, but we got up nice and early on May 24th, caught a taxi into Sentosa, and collected our numbers to grating soundtrack of Kati Perry at a million decibels. I was not thrilled at this point. The only thing I was looking forward to was a chance to use my new Go Pro - waterproof and tough and little. Perfect for this stupid, masochistic fun event.
I'm so happy to be here. |
Just so thrilled about this. |
We sat around wasting time and watching other people start their waves before we realised that the times on our bibs meant nothing, and we could start whenever we wanted. I was pretty nervous at this point, particularly as the sun decided to blare out just as we made our way out to the beach. The "foam" run appeared to just be some bubbles to get you damp so you'd have to run in wet socks, and I was seriously questioning Eoin's judgement at this point. We lined up in a pen where they closed the gate behind us (Why? Why did they need to do that? It worried me), then they let us all into the next pen, where the bubbles were at. After a few minutes to let the foam maker build up a good foam pool (and let the grating Singaporean woman with the microphone work us up into an suitably frothy rage), they sent us off on a narrow path around the resort island of Sentosa).
Look at that pasty whiteness. Eoin's delicate eyes can't even take the glare. Why are we here? |
HE'S not nervous. Damn sports people. |
A movie of the starting line shenanigans. OK, at least the foam is cool. |
The first few kilometers were AWFUL! I'm a terrible judge of distance, and thought I'd come about 1 km by the time we hit the first obstacle. I was not impressed with the lack of foam, or the tires. It was already 35 + degrees, I didn't not need black, sun-soaked rubber reflecting any more heat at me. This is where my ehavy breathing turned into more of an "I hate Eoin" mantra. There is video footage to prove this. I haven't included it. According to Eoin, this was more like 3 km down, so we were past the half way mark. I thought we still had 4 km to go, and I was not about to believe anything that stinking Irish liar said (although he was right, he had a lot of work to earn back my trust).
This was about 1 km in. So fun. |
After the tires, and a "crawl under some stupid ropes" bit which we won't mention due to rage triggering (did I mention that most of this run was on sand? It was), things started looking up. We got to the last beach, where it was time to turn around and run back to where we started, so at least I knew that we were actually past half way. And it was time to get wet. Thank god. I was baking, and realised after I went for a splash that when you took away the heat, this was actually kind of fun. Particularly when there was a foam running thing to fall off into the sea (video 1 below) and a foamy slippery dip thingo (video 2) to ride. OK, a bit of water, my body temperature dipped below 40 and I started to actually enjoy things.
Keep watching until the end for Eoin's fantastic performance, for which he received a round of applause from the spectators. |
Foam fixes everything. |
From there, there was another big running stretch (but a bit less sand running and a bit more shade, and being damp made it much easier than the first section), then a bit of a line up for a foam-filled obstacle course that was also a little painfully sand-filled. Waiting in line let our joints cool down a little bit and knees and hips started to hurt. Luckily Eoin had a few helpful stretches and a camera to help to annoy and embarrass me a little more.
Lining up for second last obstacle with about 1 km to go |
Stretches for sore hips.
There has to be some embarrassing photo of Eoin on here, but he was still cool as a cucumber most of the run. |
Before I knew it we were at the finish line. I actually managed to run over the finish line (I probably actually ran about 3-4 km, there were a few walking sections). The last obstacle was a run-and-jump slip-n-slide into a pool (Eoin's award winning attempt in video 1 below), which gave us both some good sand-and-tarp rash, but was a really fun finish. Yes, I actually did have fun, and I have to admit, it was a really good idea of Eoin's. Despite my EXTREME misgivings, he was right and I was wrong and it was fun.
Crossing the finish line.
I don't hate Eoin Murray.
Over the finish line, there were free thongs, icecreams and a dip in the surprisingly warm and salty waters off the beach. There was also lunch at the Jamie Oliver Italian restaurant, to make sure that the 5 km didn't leave us too emaciated - ha!
Ahhhhh, post run swim. NEARLY worth it.
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