Saturday 14 August 2010

Day 21 in Japan – Who’s the Doctor?

After all of the excitement of last night, we needed a bit of a recovery day today. Another way to say that would be to say “We both felt a bit hungover, and wanted to watch Doctor Who all day”. Choose your favourite wording :p

So after a quick supermarket bakery run to pick up some pastries and iced coffee for breakfast, we really didn’t budge out of the air-conditioned comfort of our house today. We watched the entirety of the Christopher Eccleston Doctor Who series (who was much better than I expected), and cleaned the house and cooked banana rice pudding, and generally pottered about.

Because we had such a home day, I thought it might be good to explain where home actually is. Here is where we live - Hyogo-ken (i.e. the Hyogo prefecture - like the state within Japan), Akashi-shi (i.e. Akashi City - population 300,000), Okubo-cho (i.e. our suburb is called Okubo), Okubo 505-6 (Our block name - like the mini suburb we are in - is Okubo and we live in block number 505, building 6). At least, that's what I think it means.

Food highlight of the day: I am pretty proud of making up a recipe for banana rice pudding. We had leftover rice and milk to get rid of, and so I just chucked them together with a spoonful of brown sugar, and then added an overripe banana at the last minute because I thought it would be tasty. It was :D

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