Sunday 22 August 2010

Day 29 in Japan - Kaitenzushi (a.k.a sushi train)

Big sleep-in after a late night, and then a lot of cleaning and doing chores. We caught a bus up to a shopping area north of our house (with a big Qanat shopping centre) to buy a wireless router and some other bits and pieces. We ended up lugging a few bins and a futon padding thing back on the bus after a big afternoon at the kaitenzushi (sushi train). This sushi train is KICK ASS and we are going to take pretty much everyone who visits us there. You order stuff on a screen and can pick up any plate that goes past for 100 yen, and sit there for ages just eating and eating. Ended up pretty cheap for a lot of food and entertainment. AND THEY HAVE A WELCOMING ROBOT. THE FUTURE IS NOW.

Sam has a particular way of preparing his sushi before he eats it, as shown below.
1. Wasabi on rice
2. Replace topping
3. Add ginger
4. Add soy
5. EAT!
Now, Doctor Who and preparation for the week ahead, before I get an early night to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

Food Highlight of the Day: Definitely sushi, but which kind? I think it would have to be the oddest sushi I have ever eaten – hamburg sushi. Like a sushi roll but with a tiny little hamburger patty. 

Hamburg sushi.

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