Saturday 11 September 2010

Day 49 in Japan -That's a HUGE Bridge.

Today's To Do list:

1. Sleep in.

2. 10:30 am - First Japanese lesson with the adorable Kojima-sensei, our new volunteer Japanese teacher

Japanese lessons at the Akashi International Association
with Kojima-sensei.
3. Lunch in a food court in Akashi - burgers and icecreams. Buy a Mameshiba keychain. Take photos.

Mameshiba: Excuse me, but did you know...
4. Spot of stationary shopping.

5. Catch a train to Maiko to see the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, the largest central span suspension bridge in the world.
This is a big bridge.
6. Fight off creepy, toothless old man in the park who wants to touch my necklace and camera.

Like this but Japanese.
7. Take a million photos of the bridge, and be particularly impressed with its size and the thickness of its cables. Length AND width. Ha.

The cables on the bridge are THIS BIG!
Akashi-Awaji Bridge
I live in Akashi. If you live in Akashi, you have to have a photo like this.

Standing in the shadow of the bridge.
8. Be impressed with the hordes of fishermen and fisherfamilies, old dudes playing Shogi (like the chess guys in Wollongong mall, but I couldn't understand the swearing) and various other people braving the incredible heat to use the space around the bridge for their various purposes.

Shogi in the shade
9. Head up into the underside of the bridge to see the observation deck thing. Enjoy the air conditioning. Eat a rainbow ice/fruit/icecream concoction while overlooking Akashi city.

Doesn't this look like an FPS? It's the underside of the bridge.
This is Akashi from the bridge. That photo of
me above was taken at the point of the closest bit down there.
Rainbow ice (i.e. shaved ice with blue, green,
red, yellow, orange and purple flavourings, with
condensed milk, fruit and soft serve ice cream). Oh, and Akashi.
10. Then walk through the park, sit in the shade. Pretend to be a tree.

This is a good sign that it was too hot and
we didn't take enough water.
11. Train home, Skype, sleep.

Food Highlight of the Day: Did you see that picture of the rainbow icecream? It was DEFINITELY that.

1 comment:

Sketchy Fletchy said...

Ne, shiteru?

Funny you should comment the underside of the bridge looks like an FPS - there's a section in Half Life 2 where you have to cross under a huge rail bridge that looked a bit like that. :D