Sunday 26 September 2010

Day 64 in Japan - Sober karaoke and canyoning

Today was big. The story will be told in photos. With sentences where they are needed, but I need sleep a lot, so mostly just photos.

The view from Leben (our hotel) this morning when we woke up. Shikoku is so beautiful.
Behind the hotel - there was no one else around to disturb with...
MORNING KARAOKE! We found a karaoke machine in the spare room
that actually had a decent English selection (old but good). Simon (blue jumper) proved to
be an EXCELLENT karaoke-er. Couldn't convince Fiona to sing, even with Disney.
The second car gang bidding farewell to our beautiful accommodation. 
Bye bye cows! Your brothers were delicious, and your sisters make great
milk.  That's really weird to read, isn't it?
View from the car halfway down the mountain.
We ended up canyoning in the second group today - some of the others we went with were in the morning group, but we didn't have to start until about 1 or 2 pm. Instead, we enjoyed a sleep-in, a HEAP of pancakes and scrambled eggs, morning karaoke and a conbini lunch. Then we met up again at Happy Raft and got ready for our afternoon of canyoning with Scotty and Shin. We slid down waterfalls, went ziplining horizontally and vertically, jumped into pool, swam and had a totally fantastic time! We had two really thick wetsuits on so we didn't feel the cold (At least, I didn't feel the cold), and a nice big canvas nappy to protect our bums. It was a beautiful and incredibly fun afternoon!

Me, sliding down the waterfall.
Our canyoning group - wet, tired and totally happy after 3.5 hours of canyoning!
The cliff/waterfall we ziplined down.
Me a-coming down the mountain.
Post-adrenaline smiles!
Wetsuits are so flattering :)
Last view of the Yoshino River
We had to head pretty much straight back home after we got out of our wetsuits, so that we would be able to make it back home at a semi-reasonable time for teaching tomorrow. The always-wonderful Simon drove us all back, while we stuffed around with our iPhones trying to use the Bump App to swap as many contac details as we could. We stopped for a conbini dinner somewhere on Shikoku (in the Tokushima prefecture, I think), and headed across the lit-up bridge again. Oh, and we had our first petrol-buying experience. It all seems to be full service, so you just sit in the car while they do the petrol and wash your windows for you. Hire car dropped back with no issues, and we all said our goodbyes at Sannomiya station and got on our respective lines. I had a slightly frustrating trip home, as there didn't seem to be any local trains running to Okubo for AAAAGGGEEEESSS, so I sat at Nishi Akashi station (my most hated station) for like 45 mins when I was damp, tired and just wanted a shower an bed. Finally got in at about 12:30. Classes tomorrow are going to be ROUGH!

Food Highlight of the Day: While the breakfast pancakes were ALMOST the highlight, I think that I am going to have to go with the conbini cheeseburger for dinner in the car on the way home.

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