Monday 27 September 2010

Day 65 in Japan - Back to Reality

Even thought I expected today to be pretty miserable due to being buggered from the weekend, it was actually a decent day! My classes were pretty good, and I am getting used to standing up in front of a class, and I think I could even wing some lessons if needed now. My listening class was pretty fun - the teacher asked me to talk about Australian history, and last week I talked a little bit about the time before European settlement, when Australia belonged to the Aboriginal people. The students looked really confused, so this week I brougt in some photos and talked about didgeridoos and boomerangs. I pretended to play boomerang in front of the class, and showed how they could make animal noises in the middle of playing, and the kids thought it was the funniest thing they had ever seen. One boy almost choked because he was sneakily drinking some water up the back when he started laughing, which made the class laugh even harder. He he he - good times. Then had my ESS club speech practise with the one boy who got through to the finals - we had to sit in a room for 2 hours and read the same bits over and over. By the end, his b/v and s/th sounds had get better, but I think we were both ready to make some z's.

The weather snuck up on me, and it had started to rain while we were practising the speech, so I had to ride my bike home in the rain. I was SOAKED by the time I got home, but it was pretty fun (although I was fretting for the safety of my iPhone after 10 mins of riding, when the rain started to get really heavy.

Just a little damp.
We had dinner with our friend Mai (remember, the lady from Softbank who helped me so much with my phone? She's totally adopted us now) at the kaiten zushi place. We ended up staying and talking for 4 hours straight! It was really excellent, but definitely a bit exhausting, particularly after my big weekend. After they kicked us out of the sushi place, we went and got purikura - photo booth photos. I will post the photos tomorrow, because they will be sent to my phone overnight (<3 Japan!)

This was on the outside of the photo booth that we used, and is PROOF that Japan is an RPG/dating sim.
Sam and Mai preparing the photos
Food Highlight of the Day: Mai got us to try some of her favourite sushi, and the one that I liked the best was maguro sashimi (raw tuna) with softboiled egg on rice with nori. Oishii desu.

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