Thursday, 21 October 2010

Day 89 in Japan - Some good news!

Woke up with dodgy sinuses but still biked to shimizu. not the best idea, but bike ride means that I get to leave the house later, get a bit of excercise, and still get money. Still, meant that I felt really ordinary wile teaching.

Had first real lesson with one of the classes today - the teacher I am supposed to team teach with hasn't actually shown up before today, and really he may as well have not shown up today either. He sat in the back of the classroom and read a book. I had to call to him three times to get him to help me demonstrate a conversation - if it had been a student playing that little attention, they would have gotten into trouble. Grrrr. Other classes were OK, then I had ESS speech practise with the boy from Shimizu, which was horrible. Although the speech contest is Saturday, he hasn't memorise his speech yet, and I spent 2 hours trying not to look too bored while trying to read the same 30 sentences over and over again outloud. The best part of the day (as almost always at Shimizu) was streaming down the giant hill on the bike ride home.

I called Sam while on my bike ride home, to find he was snacking on one of the ingredients for tonight's dinner. I got unreasonably cranky (sinus infection made me have a temperature and foggy brain, and general aches and grumpiness), yelled at him and then headed to the supermarket on the way home to replace it. He must have felt bad, because he came to meet me at the supermarket, and then explained the reason that he had eaten the food - he was celebrating because he GOT A JOB!!!! YES, IN CAPITALS NOW, SAM HAS A JOB!!!! I felt horrible for being cranky, tried and sick, and still really happy for him. He'll be working a lot of evenings and weekends, which will mean less time together, but he will be teaching English to people at an English conversation school exactly like he wanted. We had celebratory nachos (with freshly purchased corn chips), and pear Natchan instead of champagne to celebrate his win!

This was my "I'm sick and I have to study position". Was not moving.
See how utterly thrilled I am with Sam having a job. So happy.
HAJIME! (That means start in Japanese. I KNOW BECAUSE I STUDIED).
Food Highlight of the Day: The made-up chilli I cooked for the nachos was decent enough, but Sam's job meant that they were VICTORY NACHOS - the sweetest nacho of them all.

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