Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Day 88 in Japan - Wagyu Looking At?

Big bag of cans for recycling this morning.

School - no classes, big and long day at my desk. Lots to do, surprisingly. Science stuff, lesson planning (illness worksheet preparation turned into an epic saga- Aaargh!), ordered-in bento, not many teachers at all - didn't realised that they would all take leave as well. Actually read a news website - nice to know what's going on at home. Read a few English journals, but really didn't have much time to myself, despite the lack of teaching.

My CLAIR language course came! We JETs have the opportunity to sign up for language courses via mail, and mine showed up in the mail today. I'm excited to start it! After school, I started my first lesson from the book book. It's way too easy right now, will have to be good to keep motivated - I have a feeling it's going to get difficult fast.

Then Sannomiya for dinner with Jodes, Arjan, Graham and Jodies pregnant older sister (whose name I THINK was Joanna) for Kobe beef. Had a beer, and a nice talk with everyone while crowded around a hot plate, where a nice man cooked up grilled vegetables, delicious wagyu Kobe beef, and a LOT of dried garlic. First real Kobe beef in Kobe, and it was pretty awesome. 

Arjan didn't get enough meat at the steak restaurant.

Food Highlight of the Day: Kobe beef sirloin steak, no question. Though it was a little pricey, it was so tasty, and really soft. 

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