Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Day 115 in Japan - Talking about the Future

Today had slightly harder classes at Akashi kita - the "B" classes with the most reticent of the kids. But even they had a pretty good time today with the lesson - they got to do nothing but talk about themselves, and make jokes with their friends, so I think they must have enjoyed it. While I was giving an example of what I wanted tohem to do on the board with Tanaka sensei, he came out with the fact that he wanted to be a manager and manage AKB48, so that he could see them in their changerooms every day. Ahhh, inappropriately hilarious.

The view from the bridge at Akashi kita - ahhh, Autumn!
Even the worst girl at Akashi kita (who I will call "cranky girl") talked to me after a while. She is so hard to deal with in classes, because she is totally uninterested and bored and pretends she doesn't understand anything. The other teachers have told me that this is because she is trying to get herself expelled from Akashi kita, so that she can go to Akashi Shimizu and be with her boyfriend. GROSS. Anyway, her Dad won't let her leave the good school, so she is just being horrible until they kick her out. But today, I actually got a smile and a bit of a story from her. Turn out that in the future she wants to be a housewife so that she can make her boyfriend happy every day. YAY FEMINISM, RIGHT?

Today, Mum and Dad went to Himeji to see the Castle and the city. They had a good day. They walked in the door almost exactly the same time as I did. They navigated the butcher and bought some chicken for us to cook a tasty dinner, and we cooked up a feast with our new Kyoto spices. We spent most of the night quizzing each other with trivia questions - it was really fun!

Food Highlight of the Day: Chicken with the yuzu salt from Kyoto.

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