Monday, 13 December 2010

Day 142 in Japan - It's Begininning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas

Not a hugely eventful day - we had the Final OCI Listening Exam at Akashi Kita today, so I got to go to Akashi Kita on a Monday for the first time in months. The sun shone (lie - it was actually grey and drizzly for most of the day), the birds chirped (true, I think) and it was a good day. I marked a lot of tests, read some students journals and talked to Aaron online for a little while. I got to talk to the students a surprising amount as they come into the staffroom at lunchtime to start arguing for more marks with the teachers as soon as they were allowed back in (before exam periods, the staffroom is off limits to students, and the MINUTE the signs got taken off the doors at lunchtime today, we were crowded with questions).

After school, I did a lot of science work. I have been slowly working on some results for my old boss (and asking him to keep kicking my arse to make me do it), and he needed some results for a presentation, so I got in about 5 hours of solid science before my stomach told me it was time to stop. Called Mum and Dad on Skype to watch them open the Christmas presents that we sent last week (which was really fun, and totally the highlight of the day), then hit the hay with Harry Potter.

Autumn (秋 - あき) is making way for winter (冬 - ふゆ) 
Rain on momiji.

Food Highlight of the Day: I made the laziest, but tastiest, salad that I have made over here. A packet of prepackaged salad veggies, salad dressing from a bottle and roast beef from a packet. The roast beef was a bit pricey ($4 for about 150 grams), but it was a great dinner!

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