Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Day 109 in Japan -Two Things Related to Male Genitals

Today, on the way to Akashi kita, there was an old guy peeing in his field, while watching all the school girls pass by. What's that saying - "More than two shakes..."? Creepy.

Then, in my "What's the Matter" (i.e. describing feeling sick) classes there was another genital-related incident. I get the kids to warm up by splitting them into groups, giving them sticky notes, and getting them to write the words I call out on the notes and sticking them to the right part of a hapless volunteer. Today, there was one guy who stuck the "leg" label pretty much on his balls. It was really funny, but I had a 2 second period of panic, because for all of the stickers, I usually pull each one off, and say right place/wrong place, right spelling/wrong spelling. I made his friend who stuck it there take it off for me, and the whole class went nuts! They loved it and it made the class quite fun from then on. Ahhh, fun classes really brighten up your whole day.

Some of the photos that Mum and Dad took on their wanderings around Okubo today.

For dinner, Mum and Dad and I finally ate the spaghetti that Mum and Dad made the other day! OH YEAH! Sam had to work, so Mum and Dad and I busted out some cheese and bikkies and made garlic bread. It was a really good night, with Australian wine and Australian company.

Food Highlight of the Day - There is no earthly food better than Dad's bolognese sauce :3

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